Catherine Selth Spayd, Ph.D., P.C.
Licensed Psychologist
The Anger Management Workshop
This workshop is a one day intensive learning experience designed for people who have trouble managing their own anger, or the anger of those around them. Ineffective management of anger has significant costs:
¨ increased health risks, such as high blood pressure, ulcers, and heart disease
¨ problematic relationships, such as with your spouse, children, boss, coworkers and others
¨ not resolving the psychological hurts that anger often masks, such as low-self-esteem, depression and anxiety,
¨ decreased productivity at work and home
This small-group workshop will help you learn to manage your or others’ angry feelings in effective ways, and to control your behavioral reactions to anger, with goals of
¨ improved health status
¨ honest, clear and non-hurtful communication in difficult relationships
¨ improved problem-solving in frustrating situations
¨ decreased sensations of physical stress
¨ improved emotional well-being
Topics covered in the workshop include
¨ what anger is and isn’t
¨ understanding how and why people become angry
¨ how to assess your own anger reactions
¨ the connections between anger and aggression, anxiety, and depression
¨ the physical costs of anger
¨ how to reduce stress to prevent anger
¨ how to effectively manage interactions once you or others become angry
The Workshop Format
The workshop is a hands-on learning experience (not a group psychotherapy session), including lecture, readings, video presentations, individual and group exercises designed specifically to apply techniques learned, and the development of an individualized anger management “tool kit” by the day’s end. To achieve the best benefit, participants should expect to actively engage in the day’s activities.
Who Should Attend
The workshop is designed for you, if you believe your reactions to anger are harmful to yourself or others. People close to you may also suggest you attend. If so, please consider their suggestion as a sign of their concern. Your attendance at the workshop is then also a sign--of your strength in taking positive action to improve your relationships.
Workshop Date, Location and Cost
Workshops are scheduled on Fridays, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 pm. Please call the office for the next scheduled workshop date. There will be a one hour lunch break, Noon - 1:00 p.m.
The workshop location is in the comfortable, private offices of the Duncansville Professional Center, 841 Third Avenue, Duncansville, PA. Please call or visit our web site for specific directions. The workshop can also be conducted on-site at other locations, such as worksites or churches.
The cost of the one-day workshop is $59.00 per person. A group discount rate of $49.00 per person is available, if three or more individuals sign up at the same time. This fee is refundable, minus a 20 % administrative fee, only if the refund request is received seven or more days preceding the workshop. The fee is refundable, minus a 50 % deduction, if the refund request is received one to six days preceding the workshop. It is non- refundable on or after the workshop date.
Participation will be limited to the first 15 people to register. Others interested will be placed on a waiting list and informed of future workshop dates. Late registrants will be accepted up to the date of the workshop, if space is available.
Follow-Up Anger Management Group
A time-limited psychoeducational group, meeting for 75 minutes, once a week for eight weeks, is also available. This group is optional, but will be open only to workshop “graduates.” Its goals are to reinforce concepts and techniques learned in the workshop, and to provide ongoing emotional support, as participants have the opportunity to practice their new skills in everyday life. Cost of the group sessions are $40.00 per weekly session, and are covered by most health-care insurance. Please contact the office for details.
The Workshop Leader
Dr. Catherine Selth Spayd,
Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist with a private practice in Duncansville, PA.
She has been in the full-time practice of clinical psychology since 1991. Dr.
Spayd graduated from Penn State University with a doctoral degree in Clinical
Psychology, after earning undergraduate degrees in psychology and education. She
provides individual and group psychotherapy services in the office and as a
consultant to area nursing homes. Her therapy style is pragmatic, goal-oriented
and tends to focus on helping clients learn to change current behaviors and
thoughts to improve their emotional well-being and life satisfaction. She has
successfully worked with many people to help them improve their behavioral and
emotional reactions to anger.
Registration Form: Anger Management Workshop
Workshop Date: _______________
____________________ Zip Code __________
Please check here if you do not wish confirmation of your registration or other information sent to this address ________
Telephone : ________________________________
Please check here if you do not wish to be contacted at this telephone number, in case of workshop cancellation ________
The cost of the one-day workshop is $59.00 per person. A group discount rate of $49.00 per person is available, if three or more individuals sign up at the same time
Please indicate form of payment: (check all that apply)
1. ____ personal check or money order enclosed
2. ____ company check enclosed. Name of company : ___________________________
____ company check sent under separate cover on ______________(date)
3. _____ group discount applies (registration forms should be sent together in one envelope)