Telephone us at (814) 693-0617
Fax us at (814) 317-0348
For urgent calls only, call Dr. Spayd on her business cell at (814) 932-6881.
Dr. Spayd is typically in the office on Tues, Wed, and Thurs, 8 am to 5 pm.
She does not take phone calls while in session, so please leave a message on voicemail and she will return your call as
soon as possible. The voicemail system is confidential and is monitored at least every two hours during office hours. Calls
are monitored daily outside of office hours.
Charlene, the Office Manager is typically in the office on Tues and Thurs, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Calling during these
time frames greatly increases your chance to receive a live voice answering your call.
For mental health emergencies, call Crisis Intervention at (814) 889-2141.
The office address is:
Duncansville Professional Center
841 Third Ave
Duncansville, PA 16635
We do not provide a public e-mail address because of the potential for urgent clinical information to be missed in unopened
mail or by a malfunctioning computer system.